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PoliticsFCT FA Chairman, Mouktar Mohammed, thanks congress on re-election

FCT FA Chairman, Mouktar Mohammed, thanks congress on re-election

The FCT FA Chairman, Adam Mouktar Mohammed, has expressed his gratitude to the Congress of the FCT FA for their unflinching support during the election on Saturday after he won by 12 votes and returned unopposed.

Mouktar Mohammed was re-elected for a second term after an outstanding first term where he turned the fortunes of FCT football around with some laudable achievements.

He expressed happiness that he was able to do so much in his first term with the promise to double his efforts in his second term. He added that there is much to do as far as football development in the FCT is concerned.

“I think the area councils is where the work is. We tried in the first term to make sure grassroots football grows significantly and we were able to achieve a lot. Bwari has a mini stadia that has opened up the opportunity for players to come around and showcase their talents. Tournaments can be played there instead of making the players to come to the city centre.

“We would extend the same to other Area Councils to open up to more football activities by making pitches available. Even if it means partnering with schools by using their facility to achieve that. We have trained coaches at the NIS in the past and we hope to continue as it has really helped us see a huge difference in the FCT FA league overtime,” he said

He however congratulated other board members, returning and newly elected, expressing his readiness to work with them to achieve greater things in the FCT. He called for ideas and innovations that can contribute to the growth of football in FCT.

He also thanked the FCT Administration (FCTA) management for their support and appreciate them for always standing by the board in all its activities which have been of great benefit to the FCT.


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