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PoliticsECOWAS Support For Institutional Lifetime Presidencies, Provokes Military Coups.

ECOWAS Support For Institutional Lifetime Presidencies, Provokes Military Coups.

Liberian President George Weah , has said that if  ECOWAS tolerated institutional coups that allow lifetime presidencies, there will always be military coups in Africa.

According to Weah, ‘ we cannot condemn military coups when we do not condemn those who carry out institutional coups.’

Liberian President George Weah stressed that the frequency of coups was somewhat linked to the disregard for constitutional term limits.

“Is it possible that there could be a correlation between these events and the political situations where constitutions are amended by incumbents to remove term limits through referendums? Or could this be a mere coincidence?” he posed to his peers.

“If the removal of term limits is serving as a trigger for the overthrow of constitutionally-elected governments, then perhaps we in Ecowas should exert our best efforts to ensure that the term limits in the constitutions of all member states should be respected”



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